
Submission is open

Access the EuroBioC2022 Conference submission portal

  • May 31, 2022 (23:59 GMT): Submission closes

Submission types

Short talk

10-15 min talk, focused on a new computational approach, method or scientific application, possibly supported by a Bioconductor package. Presenters seeking collaboration or input from the community are particularly encouraged.

Software tutorial

30-45 min demonstration of a software package or computational workflow.


Classical poster printed on paper to be stuck to a wall, approximate size DIN A0.

Birds-of-a-feather session

Free-format, organizer-lead interactive discussion session on a topic relevant to the Bioconductor community.

Contributed session

Dedicated session consisting of 2-3 talks (10-15 min each) and a 10-15 min discussion by the session chair(s). To propose a contributed session, all the intended talks must be submitted separately by the respective presenter (as regular short talk submissions) to OpenReview, and in addition a proposal for the contributed session must be submitted by the session chair(s), providing a brief description and listing the talks that would take part in the session.